

The Future of ICS / SCADA Security


Archer’s Patrick Miller speaks at CyCon – NATO CCDCOE about the future of ICS / SCADA security.

For the first time in CyCon’s history, the 600-participant cyber conference hosted in Tallinn, Estonia, could not take place. Similar to all the public events, it had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to show appreciation towards the work of our authors, CCDCOE held a virtual presentation of CyCon proceedings despite having no physical conference accompanying it. Download ’20/20 Vision: The Next Decade’ here:…

Thursday, 28 May: Technology day

Moderator: Dr Bernhards Blumbergs, CERT.LV, NATO CCDCOE Ambassador

Maxli Barroso Campos
Addressing the Cyber Security Challenges of Electrical Power Systems of the Future. Co-authored with Gilberto Pires de Azevedo and Paulo César Pellanda
Michael Dodson
Using Global Honeypot Networks to Detect Targeted Industrial Control System Attacks. Co-authored with Alastair R. Beresford and Mikael Vingaard
Discussant: Patrick C. Miller
Critical Infrastructure Security and Regulatory Advisor


May 28, 2020

Webinar Recording