We’re kicking off our employee spotlight series with one of our newest employees, Jeff Johnson, Senior Security Consultant. Jeff comes to Archer from Southern California with many years of expertise in the utility industry working in OT and NERC CIP regulatory compliance. Jeff has built his success working and interacting with clients based on trust by employing active listening and being an expert problem solver. His approach helps to inspire hope and motivation, build relationships, as well as reduce client anxiety while communicating potential bad news.

Jeff has built his success working and interacting with clients based on trust by employing active listening and being an expert problem solver. His approach helps to inspire hope and motivation, build relationships, as well as reduce client anxiety while communicating potential bad news.
When asked about the essential skill that everyone should learn, Jeff eagerly expressed, “At the end of the day, just listening to people and communicating in a way that never casts judgment on anyone’s particular situation has served me so well.” Jeff is keenly determined to work with his clients actively and patiently to stay on track and keep to the schedule.
“I would rather be in a distressed boat with you rowing and helping extract water from the bottom of the vessel versus standing over your shoulder, as you’re rowing, frantically telling you why the boat is sinking. That’s evolved into my mantra. Now, do I practice it with my six-year-old child?” he continued. “My wife may argue, ‘no’. It takes effort, it takes training, and it takes discipline to hone the craft of actively listening. This is something that anyone can learn whether you work in a consulting capacity, at a utility, or being a parent…it’s huge.”
We thank Jeff for taking the time to chat with us regarding his keys to successfully interacting with clients. Archer is enormously grateful to have Jeff on our team and looks forward to amazing contributions he will bring to our clients.